Server Time:
Local Time:
Server Info
  • Total Accounts 2,100
  • Total Characters 3,317
  • Total Guilds 48

Castle Siege

Castle Owner

Guild Master
Guild Registration Period

Castle Siege Battle
6 days 4 hours

Castle Information
Top Level

Maintenance changelog:

-Fix Raven HP for DL
-Fix Dark Horse HP for DL
-Added NPC Shop in Lorencia that sells Gold Fenrir for WCOIN
-Fix PETS and RINGS HP that you can purchase from Webshop
-You can now play with unlimited multi-account instead of only 5, we will see how this affects the server in the future and if we will keep it or not.
-We made a change so disconnects will stop happening while you are using many accounts, if one of your accounts disconnect now it could be either that you got PKed or MU Helper is not configured properly, if problems still persist with one of your multi-accounts use F8 and /offattack.
-Fix some interface bugs.
-Fix siege castle registration, you can now register for the next siege.
-All bosses are active.
-Fix some security issues.