Server Time:
Local Time:
Server Info
  • Total Accounts 2,100
  • Total Characters 3,317
  • Total Guilds 48

Castle Siege

Castle Owner

Guild Master
Guild Registration Period

Castle Siege Battle
6 days 5 hours

Castle Information
Top Level
Server Information
General Information
Server Version Season 3
Experience 1x
Max Online Accounts 10
Max Offline Farming Unlimited ∞
Max Level 400
Max Reset ∞ (Reset to win Credits, you get no stats)
Excellent Drop 40%
General Drop 60%
Quest Items Drop 50%
Items +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6 100%
Items +7, +8, +9 50% + Luck (25%)
Max Mana Shield 75%

Chaos Machine

Combination Maximum Success Rate
Chaos Machine Item Luck 20%
Items +10, +11, +12 40% + Luck
Items +13, +14, +15 40% + Luck
Wings Level 1 100%
Wings Level 2 90%
Wings Level 3 40%
Cape of Lord Mix 90%
Socket Weapon Mix 100%
Fragment of Horn Mix 50%
Broken Horn Mix 40%
Horn of Fenrir Mix 30%


/whisper [on/off] Enable / disable whisper.
/pkclear Clear killer status
/post [message] Sends a message to the whole server.
/addstr [points] Adds points to Strength.
/addagi [points] Adds points to Agility.
/addvit [points] Adds points to Life.
/addene [points] Adds points to Energy.
/addcmd [points] Adds points to Command.
/requests [on/off] Enable / disable requests in-game.
/guildwar [name of the guild] Open war against another guild.
/vault [0 - 5] Extra vaults.
/request auto [password] Players can party each other without accept with "yes or no"
/offline When Mu-Helper is active, press /offline to log out and farm in offline mode, your character will stay in-game but you can close the client.
/offattack When F8 Auto Attack is active, press /offattack to log out and farm in offline mode, your character will stay in-game but you can close the client.
/pick When F8 Auto Attack is active, press /pick to choose the items you want to auto farm, but always close it if you want to switch to MU Helper.
/pickset When F8 Auto Attack is active, press /pickset and type the item name you want to pick up to auto farm.
/pickclear Type this to clear all your /pickset items, always pickclear if you want to switch to MU Helper.
/pack To stack jewels together.Example /pack bless 10. Only in 10,20,30
/unpack To unstack jewels together.Example /unpack bless 10. Only in 10,20,30
/dcfriend If your friend or your own account needs to be disconnected you can do : /dcfriend (Characters Name) (Account Password) for example /dcfriend GameBoy pass12345
1 Open your personal store from your inventory tab.
2 Place the item you want to sell and set the price.
3 Name your personal store and open it.
4 In chat, type "/store coinc" ( to sell for WCOIN(C) ) or type "/store coinp" ( to sell for WCOIN(P) )
5 Type /offstore while your shop is open to continue selling even offline.
/send <type of jewel> <amount> Deposit an amount to the bank. Example: /send soul 13
/get <type of jewel> <quantity> Withdraw an amount from the bank. Example: /get soul 11
/bank View all the amounts of different jewels you have in your Jewel Bank!
Press the button "J" If you press the button J you can also show up a panel that will be helpful to do this without typing.